

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Jerkatorium's "Deterioration" WINS! "Fashion" Song Fight songs posted.

Jerkatorium won the "Deterioration" Song Fight, and I am very happy about that.  I am not surprised though, because Chumpy wrote a great song with great lyrics.  I listen to that song daily.

Songs for the current Song Fight with the title "Fashion" have been posted at, and Jerkatorium has submitted a song for that fight too.  It was a very very last-minute composition, but I am pleased with how it turned out.  Go to and give it a listen (and vote, if you like it).  As I have mentioned before, you don't need to register for anything or pay for anything to listen or to vote; the only catch is that it only accepts your vote if you vote for more than one song.  I think that's a good idea - it makes people stick to the spirit of Song Fight, where voters should listen to the music and vote for their favorite instead of just hopping onto the site to vote for a friend.

I promised more pics to brighten up this drab blog, so here is what I had submitted for the "Fashion" song cover art.  It was not used for the Fashion fight, and that was the right thing to do because the art they went with was an original drawing by a different SongFighter (which is better than using my lazier entry, which is just a cropped photo with text superimposed over it):

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