

Friday, October 16, 2015

Jerkatorium ties for first place on the "Leave My Brother Alone" fight

We won our third Song Fight in a row with our "Leave My Brother Alone" submission.  This time around we tied for first place with the band Thank Glenny For The Frisbee; they submitted an excellent song which also absolutely deserved to win.

Our winning streak was defamed a little bit by a Song Fight comment accusing Jerkatorium of using "social media muscle" to win.  First off, I can see the comically low number of page hits on this blog, so I know that this blog could never qualify as 'social media muscle'.  I did announce the "Deterioration" and "Fashion" submissions on Facebook (something that is not against any of the rules, and not even vaguely discouraged at, but I didn't do that for the "Leave My Brother Alone" submission (I forgot to), so the comment was unfounded, inaccurate, and out of place.

But enough of that.  Onward and upward:  Chumpy has a very short song up for the "Hot Mess" Song Fight, give it a listen and vote for it if you like it.  I played bass on the track, but the rest of it is all Chumpy.  I like it a lot, and I only wish it were much longer.

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